One Day Workshop program on Nonviolent Communication for Trainees of Tibetan Career Centre, Dharamshala
Organized By:
Tibetan Career Centre Dharamshala under YES, Unit of Department of Home, CTA in collaboration with Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC), Dharamshala
Aims and Objectives of the Workshop
- To introduce how application of Nonviolent Communication helps us to remain and connect to our compassionate nature even under the most difficult situation.
- Our aim through this one day workshop is to reframe how we express ourselves and hear others rather habitual way of attacking, criticizing, withdrawing and defending.
- Our aim is to make them aware of four model of Nonviolent Communication and How to apply these four model Observation, feeling, need and request during disagreement and to transform it for better.
- Introduce them the importance of active listening and the principle of active listening which is the basis on which all other major qualities like Tolerance, Respect and forgiveness can cultivate.
Participants: 15 Trainees (Female: 6 Male: 9)
Date: 19th March, 2018
Workshop Facilitators:
- Tenzin Lhamo (Executive Director)
- Thupten Choephel (Trainer cum Research officer)
- Tenzin Lhaze (Assistant Trainer)
- Power point presentation
- Brain storming
- Role Playing
- White board
- Lecture
- Chart
- Activities
- Feedback
10am -10:15am
Ms. Tenzin Lhamo Executive Director of ANEC has given introduction of ANEC and how and why it was formed under the guidance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and with relentless efforts of Rabbi Everett Gendler and Dr. Mary Gendler. She also wished the Workshop to be useful and resourceful for the participants.

Tenzin Lhamo (Ms.)
Executive Director
10:15am – 11:00am
Mr. Thupten Choephel ANEC Trainer cum Research Officer gave a power point presentation on the principle and assumption of Nonviolent Communication. He presented detailed explanation on the four models of Nonviolent Communication with some examples through a story.

Thutpen Choephel (Mr.)
Trainer cum Research Officer
11:00am – 11:15am
Tea and snacks were served.
11:15am – 11:20am
Refreshment game was played to energize the participants.
11:20am – 11:45am
ANEC Trainer Miss Tenzin Lhaze gave detailed and realistic explanation on the topic
“Communication that blocks Compassion” In which she stressed on four main points that alienate us from our natural state of compassion. (1) Moralistic Judgement (2) Making Comparison (3) Denial of Responsibility (4) Communicating our desires as demands is another form of language that blocks compassion.
Trainer Miss Tenzin Lhaze also gave explanation on the topic “Observation without evaluation”
Observation is the first model of NVC and when we observe any message or situation, the observation should be pure observation without mixed with self-interpretation and evaluation which in turn create conflicts and escalate conflict. J.Krishna Murti once underlined “Observation without evaluation is highest form of human intelligence”

Tenzin Lhaze(Ms.)
Assistant Trainer
11:45am – 1:00pm
ANEC Executive Director Ms. Tenzin Lhamo spoke on topic “Identifying and expressing feelings”. She introduced few steps which can help the participants to identify the authentic feelings. She continued by saying, we should try to identify the authentic feeling from observation and the feeling should be based on the particular action of the person or the particular situation rather drawing the past incident or comment. She stressed on expression of the particular authentic feeling. She also empowered the students with the idea of writing therapy and its benefit to improvising the memory, and in individuals who have experienced a traumatic or extremely stressful event, expressive writing can have a significant healing effect. A recent study suggested that expressive writing may even improve immune system functioning and over all mental health of individual. She also spoked on the importance of Forgiveness by saying
“Forgiveness is the best gift you give to yourself”. By forgiving others you are letting go of the pain you keep inside of you (free yourself). One
won’t be stuck in her/ his past. She concluded her points with one activity called “Bury your grudge”.
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Lunch Time
2:00pm – 2:15pm
ANEC Trainer Ms. Tenzin Lhaze gave explanations on the topic “Opening and Blocking Communication” Dialogue is the best approach to peacefully resolve any kind of conflict and disagreement through human understanding and humility. Therefore the art of opening and blocking communication is indispensable tool to carry forward the dialogue towards constructive way. She presented her points in charts and made it easy to understand.
2:15pm – 2:40pm
ANEC Trainer cum Research Officer Mr. Thupten Choephel discussed the art of active listening. To start with he made trainees to realize the importance of Active listening in interpersonal relation with help of activity. He further made clear explanation on principle of active listening and its use in all kind of relationship and profession.
The biggest Communication problem is we do not listen to understand rather we listen to reply.
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
2:40pm – 2:50pm
Refreshment activity
2:50pm – 3:10pm
Discussion session with the trainee/participants was carried out. Executive Director Ms Tenzin Lhamo cleared the doubts and answered the queries raised by some participants.
3:10pm – 3:20pm
Feedback form was filled by the participants.
3:20pm – 3:30pm
- Executive Director Ms. Tenzin Lhamo on behalf of ANEC thanked all the staff and participants for making this one day workshop on Nonviolent Communication a success.
- Jigme Lhamo, Career counselor of TCC Dharamshala addressed the closing ceremony. She thanked the workshop facilitator.
- Thupten Rinzin, on behalf of Department of Home offered white scarf and honorarium to workshop facilitators.
Feed Back
- Thank you so much for solving many queries and doubts. Nonviolent Communication must be very useful for life. I really appreciate for your well prepared points. God Bless you all!!!
Tashi Yangzom
- This Project seems beneficial to all the members of society irrespective of age, occupation and nationality. But there is no limits on perfection so still long way to go for better performance.
Kalsang Tharchin
————————————— Thank You ——————————–