One Day Workshop program on Nonviolent Communication for Fifteen Gandhi Fellowship participants associated with Kaivalya Education Foundation, Mumbai.
Organized by:-
Active Nonviolence Education Center, Dharamshala, India.
Participants: Fifteen (Female: 8, Male: 7)
Date: 19th April, 2018
Workshop Facilitators:
- Tenzin Lhamo (Executive Director)
- Thupten Choephel (Trainer cum Research officer)
- Tenzin Lhaze (Assistant Trainer cum Teaching Officer)
- Jigme (Accountant cum Office Secretary)
- Ice Breaking
- Power point presentation
- Role Play
- Activity
- Talk session
- Feedback
11:00 AM – 11:30AM
Miss Tenzin Lhamo, Executive Director briefed on the background, aims and objectives and administrative functioning (When, why and how Active Nonviolence Education Center was institutionalized). Ms. Tenzin Lhamo also mentioned about ANEC been successful in facilitating more than 165 workshops, Training session and Open forum discussion over the past 10 years by reaching 6,500 people from all walks of life regardless of nationality on the importance of pursuance of every conflict through Active nonviolence.
Tea break.
Followed by questions and answers session where the participants clear all their doubt asking questions to the Executive Director about-
- Challenges that ANEC faced so far
- How does it operate?
- What sort of workshops ANEC gives?
Followed by discussion wherein participants come up with all the queries, doubts and curiosity they had.
Afternoon session was started with Ice breaking activity. Miss Tenzin Lhaze, Assistant Trainer cum Teaching Officer took the initiative in organizing the activity where she urged each participant along with ANEC staff.
Mr. Thupten Choephel, Trainer cum Research officer gave power point presentation on four models of Nonviolent Communication i.e. Observation, Feeling, Need and Request followed by narrating one real life stories based on pain of expressing need and feeling versus pain of not expressing need and feeling. He also talked about compassion based on secularism.
Miss Tenzin Lhaze, Assistant Trainer cum Teaching officer explained about “Communication that blocks compassion” or communication that alienate us from our natural state of compassion i.e. Moralistic Judgment, Making Comparison, Denial of Responsibility and Communicating desires as demand with relatable examples.
Tea Break
Mr. Thupten Choephel and Miss Tenzin Lhaze did enactment of four ways of hearing a negative message i.e. Blaming yourself, Blaming others, Sensing one’s need and Sensing others need followed by narrating its aftermath feeling.
3:55-4:10 pm
Miss Tenzin Lhamo, Executive Director introduced the psychological activity of “Bury your grudges”, a factor responsible for continuous resentment and anger with oneself in order to feel free from the entire self made burden.
Each participant shared their personal experiences with Active Nonviolence Education Center and how they will implement the concept of Nonviolent Communication in their personal life and to enrich oneself and others life.
The workshop was concluded by filling up the feedback form, singing the song “we shall overcome” and group photo session.
The session organized by the ANEC team was extremely fruitful. The concept that was shared with us strengthens our understanding of nonviolence and other humanistic values that we take for granted, that we don’t wore upon. The session went really well and helped me gain clarity on a lot of things. I am looking forward to implement what I have learned. @Vaishali Sharma.
Thank you very much ANEC for conducting this session. Despite of getting short period of time the staff has prepared very well. @Shardool
The presentation increased my knowledge and perspective about the communication specially the term “Identify your emotion”. @Rishu shrivast
It is first best camp for me on Nonviolent Communication. So, Today’s session was very good. I relate to my past journey and learn more things like politeness, coordination and expressing one’s feeling. @Javed Akhter.
Thank You