Film Screening and Discussion program report


Project/Program name: Screening & Discussion (S&D)

Reported by: Tenzin Zompa
Date of Activity: 13 September 2024

Activity Overview:
The documentary film screening and discussion on “Tibet – Murder in the Snow,” organized by ANEC, were conducted successfully. The documentary screening commenced at 5:00 PM and concluded at 6:00 PM, followed by a 10-minute discussion. The film highlights the tragic killing of Tibetan refugees by the Chinese military.

The objective of this program was to provide attendees with a deeper understanding of Tibetan issues and its resilient.

Hope Cafe

Total Participants:

  1. Tenzin Yangdon
  2. Karma Dolma
  3. Kundup
  4. Sonam
  5. Tashi

Resource Persons:

  • Tsering Sonam, Administrative Officer
  • Tenzin Zompa, Intern

Methodology of Film Screening:

  • The program began with a brief introduction to our organization, explaining that the documentary is the first documented evidence of Chinese soldiers firing on Tibetan refugees.
  • The documentary details the harrowing journey of Tibetan refugees fleeing to freedom through the dangerous mountainous terrain from Tibet to Nepal, focusing on events that took place in 2006.
  • Unfortunately, Chinese authorities were alerted to the escape, leading to an incident where the refugees were shot near Nepal. The shooting was captured on film by mountaineers, clearly documenting the fatalities, including the tragic death of a 17-year-old nun. Those captured were sent back to Tibet and endured three days of brutal treatment.
  • A mountaineer played a critical role in hiding the Tibetan refugees at the base camp; one individual was concealed in a toilet and went unnoticed by Chinese soldiers, ultimately surviving and now living in exile in India. The mountaineer shared the footage with a media contact, bringing international attention to the incident.
  • The incident prompted a response from the Chinese government, with the Chinese Foreign Minister emphasizing the duty of Chinese border forces to maintain peace and security.

Lessons Learned / Challenges Faced:

  • The program allowed for personal growth in managing events and fostering meaningful discussions among participants.

Suggestions for Improvement / Corrective Actions:

  • None identified.

Potential Success Story:

  • The program was well-received, with active participation from attendees who shared their personal experiences during the discussion.

Activity Status: Completed

This report highlights the impactful nature of the event in raising awareness and fostering dialogue on critical issues facing Tibetan refugees.

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