Professor Daphne Roberts, coordinator of the program welcomed ANEC staff and highlighted the importance of Nonviolent Communication.
Dharamsala: The Nonviolent Communication training program was organized by Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) at U-Tsang Guest House, McLoed Ganj on 15th November, 2016.
Mr. Wandue Tsering, Executive Director of Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) thanked the professor for coordinating this program. He had briefly introduced ANEC’s historical background, aims and objectives and educational programmes to the participants.
Sixteen Teacher Trainees and a professor from Simon Fraser University, Canada, were training on nonviolent communication by Ms. Tenzin Lhamo, Assistant Trainer of ANEC. She spoke on various means of nonviolent communications which helps in controlling the emotions. Also, through role-plays and activities, she explained how nonviolent communication can effectively assist in conflict resolution.
Sixteen Teacher Trainees and a professor from Simon Fraser University, Canada, has takenpart and the training was facilitated by ANEC executive director Mr. Wangdue Tsering and staff; Mr. Thupten Gyaltsen, Ms. Tenzin Lhamo and Mr. Jigme.