Bangalore: The Institute for Small Trade Learning(ISTL), Nelamangala underYouth Empowerment Section, Dept. of Home, CTA in collaboration with Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) organised a three-day workshop on Universal Nonviolence for the Trainees of Institute for Small Trade Learning at Nelamangala, Banglore from 13th – 15th  July, 2016.

Forty one Trainees from 18 different Tibetan settlements pursuing various trades namely Beautician, Hair-dressing, Computer Graphic and Web Designing, Hardware and Networking and Cookery have taken part.

The workshop was conducted with objective to educate trainees on love, compassion, peace and active non-violence and how it can assist in conflict resolution.

Mr. Tenzin Choedak, Administrator, ISTL, inaugurated a three-day workshop by welcoming the members from Active Non-Violence Education Center.

Universal Nonviolence Training for youth offer tools for unleashing the power and possibility of nonviolence in our lives, our communities, and most importantly its impact on our national freedom struggle. Using lecture, case studies, group discussions, movie screening, short presentations and exercises, this workshop explored the vision, principles and concrete tools of active nonviolence.

The workshop was facilitated by ANEC executive director Mr. Wangdue Tsering and staff; Mr. Thupten Gyaltsen  and Ms. Tenzin Lhamo.
