PUBLICATION: Phuntsog Nyidron book

The launch of the illustrated children’s storybook ‘ཕུན་ཚོགས་ཉི་སྒྲོན།’ by the Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) was a momentous celebration of Tibetan culture and resilience. The book, which tells the true story of former political prisoner Phuntsog Nyidron la, adds a powerful layer of authenticity to this project. Her presence as the Chief Guest at the event highlighted the importance of sharing and acknowledging first-hand experiences and struggles.

ANEC has decided to distribute the first edition of the book for free as a tribute to the late Jigme Choedak la, the talented illustrator behind its captivating visuals. This gesture honors his memory and expresses ANEC’s gratitude for his artistic contributions, which have significantly supported the organization’s mission.

The project was made possible with the guidance and support of Manjushri Educational Services, Mr. Buddha Kyab la, and friends of ANEC. Their collaboration exemplifies the collective effort needed to bring culturally significant projects to life. The success of the book reflects both ANEC’s dedication and the community’s support, highlighting the importance of preserving and sharing stories that embody resilience and the richness of Tibetan culture.

In further honor of Jigme Choedak la’s legacy, ANEC will distribute 1,000 sets of the book, along with Rubel rill, to Tibetan schools and educational institutions. This initiative aims to make his artistic legacy more accessible to students, fostering the preservation and celebration of Tibetan culture. By providing these books, ANEC ensures that Jigme Choedak la’s contributions continue to inspire and educate future generations, reaffirming their commitment to honoring his memory and enriching cultural heritage.


Phuntsog Nyidron book


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